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North Harrow Sailing 2017

[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”13″]For the 6th year running, a few North Harrow Lodge members gathered for their annual sailing weekend  at Hamble Point Marina on a Friday afternoon in July where we had arranged the charter of  “Tenaciousan almost new 34′ Hanse Yacht . With a slightly reduced crew this year, this yacht was a perfect size for the trip, with mod cons like a self tacking headsail so the winches were not always needed and spacious sleeping and living accommodation. Pure luxury for us city salts.


The next morning, the weather conditions were not entirely in our favour with persistent rain forecast, so after a hearty cooked breakfast of sausage, bacon, egg, beans and black pudding, we hoisted our Middlesex Masonic Flag and burgees of the East India, R.A.F and City Livery Sailing Clubs and ventured down the Hamble on a full stomach and into the Solent, enjoying a great sail never the less and reaching Yarmouth Marina in the afternoon, securing a mooring on the town quay and a well earned rest.

We decided that the best option for the evening was to venture into town and sample the delights of the island, rather than be subjected to more cooking from the ship’s cook and ended up in the local hostelry enjoying a lovely dinner and consuming several glasses of Fuggles.

On Sunday morning we were greeted with glorious sunshine and great conditions for sailing. How wrong we were !!

The Solent has its own micro climate and what you see can change in minutes and it did. Half an hour after clearing the harbour the skies darkened and we prepared to don our wet gear just in time for torrential storm.  The wind was definitely in our favour even if the rain wasn’t. But we arrived back safely back in the Hamble later that afternoon and made our separate ways home with stories of high seas, serpents and pirates. Almost as good as any fisherman’s tale. Already looking forward to next year’s trip.

A final thanks must again go to our Skipper and Lodge Mentor Vaughan Coleridge-Matthews for organising and getting us out and back safely. 5*****

Trooping with North Harrow Lodge

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Trooping the Colour 2017 is one of Britain’s finest traditions and once again members of North Harrow Lodge accompanied by partners and guests had the pleasure of attending this year’s spectacle.

The event held on the 10th June was The Queen’s Birthday parade , ‘Colonel’s Review’ which is the final dress rehearsal before the main Parade next week where the Queen takes the salute. This year Prince William, Colonel of The Irish Guards had the honour of presiding for the first time in uniform riding his horse Wellesley.

North Harrow Lodge on Parade

We were very fortunate to have been blessed with glorious sunshine throughout the ceremony where the Colour being trooped was presented to 1st Battalion Irish Guards by Her Majesty The Queen in 2009. Music was played by 400 musicians of the Massed Bands, Drums and Pipes of the Household Division, supported by The Household Cavalry, King’s Troop Royal Artillery, reinforced by Guardsmen from all five Foot Guards Regiments, 6 groups in all numbering 426 men and 200 horses.

Amid high security, more than 6,000 spectators watched the event in Horse Guards Parade. The streets are lined with crowds waving flags as the parade moves from Buckingham Palace and down The Mall to Horse Guard’s Parade, alongside Members of the Royal Family on horseback and in carriages.

After the Parade, all 17 of us went off to a nearby restaurant for a lunch and refreshments ably booked by our Assistant Secretary completing another brilliant end to another successful social event for North Harrow Lodge.



The Third Degree in Freemasonry

Like most Lodges, we have always regarded our meetings as being special and the culmination of hours and sometimes days of hard work put in by the members at the weekly or fortnightly L.O.I’s. But once in a while one comes along that has to be acknowledged as exceptional. Last night was one of those meetings.

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North Harrow Lodge (class of 2017)

Last night we performed a Third Degree ceremony for our youngest member, who was initiated in January and had only recently turned 22 years old. I could only imagine how nervous he must have felt not knowing what was in store for the next couple of hours. However, the ceremony was pure theatre with ten brethren seamlessly appearing and disappearing in the gloom of that glimmering ray, delivering some of the best and heartfelt ritual I have heard in many a year, remembering that most of these guys have only been in Freemasonry for a short amount of time, which showed their commitment and love of North Harrow Lodge and the craft in general.

The Festive board was also no exception, Great food, fellowship, fun and a fitting end to the last Lodge meeting of the season. we now can look forward to the activities and events that we have in store for the summer and of course a new Master taking the chair in October. Why not book your place now and come join the fun.

Onward and upward……..



North Harrow Lodge’s Contribution to the 2020 Festival

The 2020 Festival

In less that 2 years and with the generosity of our members,  we are proud to announce that the Lodge has already achieved the status of GRAND STEWARD of the 2020 Festival and are well on the way to the next level of GRAND VICE-PATRON. Well done guys, you deserve a pat on the back…

£2m in less than 2 years !

This is what the brethren of Middlesex have raised, it is a wonderful achievement.
However, whilst there is no target for our Festival, other than to raise as much as we can, we still have 3 years to go, lots of Members are still to contribute and there is much more we can do for the children……

What is The 2020 Festival ?

A period of 5 years, ending in 2020, when all Masons in Middlesex are asked to support one of our Masonic Charities, the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys. This is a charity doing amazing work.

Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys

As you discover more about the work of the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys (RMTGB) you will feel reassured that by supporting The 2020 Festival you will be making a lasting difference to a great many young people who most need our help.

The RMTGB’s mission statement:

‘To relieve poverty and advance the education of children of a Masonic family and, where funds permit, support other children in need.’

The Middlesex 2020 Festival 

The Middlesex 2020 Festival in support of the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and BoysProvincial Logo

has now been running for less than 2 years and already the members of our great Lodge have pledged in excess of £17,000 in those years, enabling us to achieve the honorific status of Grand Steward of the RMTGB 2020 Festival and are now less than £2,000 away from achieving Grand Vice-Patron 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #charity #Whatwedobest

Really proud of you guys !!

Give yourselves a pat on the back 🖐🖐

The  Festival as a whole has reached over £2m in two years

Each year the RMTGB supports around 2000 children of the Masonic family

in many different ways to ensure they can reach their potential, despite the tragedy they have often faced during their young lives.

It is important to emphasise that in the first instance the RMTGB is a poverty charity, not an educational charity. It exists to ensure that poverty, which has arisen due to a distress, does not impact on a child’s welfare and education.

In recent years there have been an increasing number of applications that have been accepted and as this trend looks likely to continue The 2020 Festival appeal is vital.

In addition, the RMTGB provides support to around 10,000 children who have no connection to Freemasonry, but are educationally disadvantaged.

As for Middlesex, during the past five years, the RMTGB has supported 34 young people in the Province at a cost of £524,037.

The Provincial Grand Master, the Provincial Executives (Craft and Royal Arch), the RMTGB and more importantly the thousands of disadvantaged children who never had the chances in life that most of us had, thank you in advance for your support of The 2020 Festival.

Freemasonry Today Spring 2017 Issue

United Grand Lodge‘s Freemasonry Today Spring 2017 issue is now available to view from the Middlesex Provincial Website by following the link below.

A hard copy will be dropping through Freemason’s letterboxes over the next couple of days, except for those masons who live abroad , who I believe are just sent a link

This issue has a full calendar update of all the events covering the 300 year tercentennial celebrations.


Another Great Meeting

Another great meeting takes us into 2017

We moved into 2017 with another on the 20th January which was special as we initiated another young member into North Harrow Lodge. At 21 years of age Bro Aiedan has become the youngest member to join us, again increasing the membership of the Lodge to over 40 and reducing the average age of the Lodge down well below the Provincial average at 47 thus helping us to be among the strongest and proactive Lodges in Middlesex.

Our new Worshipful Master

W.Bro Rimal had the pleasure of conducting his first initiation ceremony in front of almost 40 members and visitors including our VO on his official visit who also presented our initiate, Bro Aiedan with a copy of the Charge and a personal letter of welcome from our APGM.. Another achievement which is becoming a rarity among Lodges is that for the first time in many years all our offices from Worshipful Master down to the last of nine Stewards are now ALL Light Blues.


Our last three initiates

Our last three initiates have been under 32 years of age which is encouraging news for the longevity of the Lodge as we continue to move forward with another initiation and passing at our next meeting on 10th March. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our meetings

Head and Shoulders above the Rest

Now and again you visit a Lodge that are head and shoulders above the restimg_3281

This is not just because one of their members happen to be the ProProvGM, but the level of their ritual is superb, their commitment and friendliness is infectious and being a predominately Welsh Lodge, there are copious amounts of singing ( in Welsh of course), which is something you don’t normally get elsewhere.  Such are the joys of visiting other Lodges.

Such a great event was on Wednesday 16th November.

The Lodge in question was Middlesex St. David’s no.5460, meeting at Harrow Masonic Centre and as part of North Harrow Lodge’s workshare scheme, they had agreed to Raise one of our members, Bro. Matthew Jeffrey to the degree of a Master Mason. And being 6’2″ was also head and shoulders above the rest. The meeting was made extra special as they were  receiving an official visit from W.Bro David Wareham, APGM accompanied by a Provincial escort.

Seven North Harrow Lodge members,

including W.Bro. Shah, ( who was our 1st candidate  from the internet to be initiated in 2011) and now our newly installed Worshipful Master attended in support of Bro. Matthew who was going through his 3rd Degree. As an added reassurance to the candidate, W.Bro Nigel Harris-Cooksley had agreed to act as Senior Deacon for the ceremony, a roll that he had not performed in open Lodge for 20 years and W.Bro Terry Clayfield agreed to present the 3rd degree W/Ts. Both performances were exceptional (I would say that, wouldn’t I ).

Middlesex St. David’s is a small, friendly and predominately Welsh Lodge

who are always looking for either initiates or joining members with a Welsh connection, they do supply phonetic song sheets if you can’t speak or sing in the language, although, the translation looks the same *too may consonants*

Over all, the members of North Harrow Lodge,

along with the rest of the visitors experienced a great afternoon and evening and are hoping to be invited again on a future occasion.

However, as we continue to initiate members into North Harrow Lodge, we have been able to offer Lodges 2nd or 3rd degree ceremonies for the last 4 or so years,  I feel sure that another visit will be on the cards in the not so distant future and long may it continue. 



The Provincial Service of Thanksgiving

Why not come to the Provincial Service of Thanksgiving ?

The Service will be held at the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban, located in the centre of St Albans on Sunday 6th November, 2016 commencing at 3 pm.22688923712_bf30189cae_o It is the Pro Provincial Grand Master’s wish that all brethren are encouraged to attend this most important occasion in the Provincial Masonic year, and I am sure that you and your families will wish to be present.
Brethren attending the Service should wear Craft regalia (full dress if possible), Provincial tie (no gloves). As there are no changing facilities, they are advised to carry their regalia in a small bag and robe on entering the Cathedral.  The Provincial Service is an event of great enjoyment, being a mixture of celebration, pageantry, an interesting speaker, wonderful music and singing; and as always we warmly welcome our ladies, partners, family members and non-masonic friends.
There is no car parking at the Cathedral, however, there are car parks in the town within a reasonable walking distance, and brethren are advised to use these where possible. Street parking is also possible in some areas.22688928322_a25008fbac_o  There will be a limited area available for disabled Brethren and such requests should be made directly to  Mike Karn as soon as possible. Please also inform me should anyone require wheelchair access in the Cathedral. No tickets will be issued as Brethren may sit in any part of the Cathedral other than a reserved section. Parking is free on Sundays in the London Road Car Park. For those using public transport there is a British Rail service to St Albans Abbey Station from Watford Central and a direct service to St Albans station from St Pancras.

Further details can be obtained from The Provincial Website  including a booking form if you wish to dine afterwards

The 2016 Lodge BBQ

[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”10″]For the first time in a number of years it was thought that the members should get together during the summer recess for a 2016 Lodge BBQ combined with  other social events and who better to organise such activities was Bro. Matthew Jeffrey one of our young, newly initiates and now officially appointed ‘Social Secretary’ . The date for a BBQ had been sorted and along with Bro. Secretary agreeing that his back garden should be the venue, all was set for what was to be a great event. All that wasn’t certain was the weather. However, it ended up a glorious afternoon.

Over 32 members, prospective members and partners had booked in to attend. The only proviso was that each should bring a bottle and in return would be supplied with copious amounts of meat (green stuff  for the veggies) from the BBQ. By 3 pm everyone had arrived and it was great to see the new and old members mixing, chatting and having a great time in the summer sunshine. Even a game of cricket pursued on the lawn with the dogs guarding the outfield and anything edible that dropped on the floor.

With the massive increase in our membership over the last 5 years, we felt it was important have a few social events to get to know the new guys better. The next event Matthew had organised was a gathering at the local hostelry The Case is Altered in Eastcote for a few drinks, where another 15 of us turned out. So it’s really looking for the future of North Harrow Lodge and long may it continue.

Well done Matthew for all your efforts…. we’re looking forward to the next one.