The 2016 Lodge BBQ

[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”10″]For the first time in a number of years it was thought that the members should get together during the summer recess for a 2016 Lodge BBQ combined with  other social events and who better to organise such activities was Bro. Matthew Jeffrey one of our young, newly initiates and now officially appointed ‘Social Secretary’ . The date for a BBQ had been sorted and along with Bro. Secretary agreeing that his back garden should be the venue, all was set for what was to be a great event. All that wasn’t certain was the weather. However, it ended up a glorious afternoon.

Over 32 members, prospective members and partners had booked in to attend. The only proviso was that each should bring a bottle and in return would be supplied with copious amounts of meat (green stuff  for the veggies) from the BBQ. By 3 pm everyone had arrived and it was great to see the new and old members mixing, chatting and having a great time in the summer sunshine. Even a game of cricket pursued on the lawn with the dogs guarding the outfield and anything edible that dropped on the floor.

With the massive increase in our membership over the last 5 years, we felt it was important have a few social events to get to know the new guys better. The next event Matthew had organised was a gathering at the local hostelry The Case is Altered in Eastcote for a few drinks, where another 15 of us turned out. So it’s really looking for the future of North Harrow Lodge and long may it continue.

Well done Matthew for all your efforts…. we’re looking forward to the next one.