Another Great Meeting

Another great meeting takes us into 2017

We moved into 2017 with another on the 20th January which was special as we initiated another young member into North Harrow Lodge. At 21 years of age Bro Aiedan has become the youngest member to join us, again increasing the membership of the Lodge to over 40 and reducing the average age of the Lodge down well below the Provincial average at 47 thus helping us to be among the strongest and proactive Lodges in Middlesex.

Our new Worshipful Master

W.Bro Rimal had the pleasure of conducting his first initiation ceremony in front of almost 40 members and visitors including our VO on his official visit who also presented our initiate, Bro Aiedan with a copy of the Charge and a personal letter of welcome from our APGM.. Another achievement which is becoming a rarity among Lodges is that for the first time in many years all our offices from Worshipful Master down to the last of nine Stewards are now ALL Light Blues.


Our last three initiates

Our last three initiates have been under 32 years of age which is encouraging news for the longevity of the Lodge as we continue to move forward with another initiation and passing at our next meeting on 10th March. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our meetings