Why not come to the Provincial Service of Thanksgiving ?
The Service will be held at the Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban, located in the centre of St Albans on Sunday 6th November, 2016 commencing at 3 pm. It is the Pro Provincial Grand Master’s wish that all brethren are encouraged to attend this most important occasion in the Provincial Masonic year, and I am sure that you and your families will wish to be present.
Brethren attending the Service should wear Craft regalia (full dress if possible), Provincial tie (no gloves). As there are no changing facilities, they are advised to carry their regalia in a small bag and robe on entering the Cathedral. The Provincial Service is an event of great enjoyment, being a mixture of celebration, pageantry, an interesting speaker, wonderful music and singing; and as always we warmly welcome our ladies, partners, family members and non-masonic friends.
There is no car parking at the Cathedral, however, there are car parks in the town within a reasonable walking distance, and brethren are advised to use these where possible. Street parking is also possible in some areas. There will be a limited area available for disabled Brethren and such requests should be made directly to Mike Karn as soon as possible. Please also inform me should anyone require wheelchair access in the Cathedral. No tickets will be issued as Brethren may sit in any part of the Cathedral other than a reserved section. Parking is free on Sundays in the London Road Car Park. For those using public transport there is a British Rail service to St Albans Abbey Station from Watford Central and a direct service to St Albans station from St Pancras.
Further details can be obtained from The Provincial Website including a booking form if you wish to dine afterwards