What we did

In 2010 what we did changed the way the Lodge moved forward

Enabling our membership numbers to go from strength to strength. Along with other lodges in our Province, we were experiencing a decline in membership. Our situation wasn’t helped by the closure of Pinner Round Table, which had been our main source of members for years. With traditional methods failing to find us any new candidates and with every other organisation in the world seemingly directing their efforts on-line, it was clear we needed a different kind of strategy to get new members interested. In March 2010,  We came up with the idea of a North Harrow Lodge website. Having registered the domain name http://NorthHarrowLodge.org for the reasonable price of £30, We got to work with creating the website. In order to attract new members using the internet, we had to make sure we captured our visitors’ attention and answered any questions they might have about Masonry and being part of a lodge. What would a potential member want to know about our organisation?

We decided to keep it short, simple, and focus on four main points: What we do, where we meet, what it costs to become a Freemason and most importantly, who to contact to find out more. All that remained was to keep it updated – there’s nothing worse than a site that is out of date – and wait for our potential members to arrive. It didn’t take long. Within two months, we had our first enquiry and our investment seemed to be paying off already. By January 2011 we had FOUR initiates and a further SIX candidates to initiate in January 2012, along with two joining members. (note: We now have another FIVE candidates for 2013) Plus another Two for 2014 and Two for 2015. The increase in new joiners has also lead to a renewed enthusiasm in our original members and given the whole Lodge a new lease of life. It’s been great to see our website and Lodge numbers go from strength to strength.

Now we have come up with an initiative that may help Harrow District Masonic Centre in particular and Middlesex Freemasonry in general. Because the Website is set up to attract potential members in the Harrow area, we may be able to help any failing lodges that meet at HDMC in a number of ways.

Always be mindful when setting up a Social Media or website presence or page that you adhere to the New Social Media Policy    and  Guidelines as set out be the United Grand Lodge of England

  1. Any new enquiries would be initially vetted in our usual way.
  2. We would then meet with and introduce any such prospective candidate to a Lodge that is in need of raising their numbers.
  3. We would support the candidate by attending the donor Lodge as guests where ever possible thus keeping contact with the candidate through his Masonic career.

This would also be an opportunity for our new members to visit and experience another local Lodge and be more part of the family of Middlesex Freemasonry.

What we did next altered the way we operated

Next stop, Twitter.