Watch for QCs at GQS

The Great Entrance 

Since being appointed to Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works at the Provincial meeting in May, I have made a point during my year of active office of promoting the Province of Middlesex in as many ways as possible. The first was to acquire (my grateful thanks to W.Bro Ian Ferguson) a Provincial flag and fly it from our chartered yacht in July whilst sailing along the south coast crewed by a number of North Harrow Lodge members and the second is to attend the Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge whenever possible. This event is a great opportunity to meet and catch up with Masonic friends from other parts of the country. Such an event was held again this morning at Freemasons’ Hall starting at 11.30 am. A bit early for some and an exercise for those travelling from far afield.

Myself with Dave Luckins (MetGSuptWks)
and Kent Club Members and others

However, this morning I had decided to make the effort, brave the scrum on a ThamesLink train to St.Pancras and travel into London early in order to meet a few of the Masonic “Twitterati”  ( 1111 followers on Twitter) and others for breakfast at The Shakespeare’s Head in Holborn. There on table 10 we were able to pass an hour or so chatting whilst tucking  into Sausage, Bacon and Eggs and several mugs of tea before it was time to cross the road  and make our way to Great Queen Street for the Quarterly Communications which this meeting was chaired by The Pro Grand Master. The ceremonial work was of the highest standard as you would expect. The meeting was attended by numerous Grand Masters of District Grand Lodges from America, Monaco, Africa and Serbia (I may have forgotten a few) to say the least and t here was also an excellent and informative presentation on dementia and its various conditions. Then at the stroke of 1 pm it was all over for another couple of months, we said our goodbyes and made a move back home or across the road to the pub. Roll on the next one on 11th December.

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