Twitter Gathering in Poole 2015

It’s almost that time again !!!   8 members of North Harrow Lodge in Middlesex are getting their sailing gear together for the second Twitter Gathering on the 3rd July at Branksome Masonic Hall in Poole.IMG_1280

Last year’s meeting was attended by over 60 masons from 9 Provinces who were eager to hear how Website and Social Media inclusion could be a tool for increasingIMG_1311 membership and awareness in Freemasonry.

If you would like to attend, book in or find out more about this year’s event , send an email to  .

The meeting will start at 6pm in the bar for drinks for a 6.30pm start, Updates and Presentations will be given by the Secretary (Me) of North Harrow Lodge, Dorset Provincial Social Media Team and Representatives from United Grand Lodge, culminating in a slap up meal at 8pm.[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”3″]