North Harrow Lodge continue to support our Brother Masons
On the 24th May 2015, a contingency of members and their partners from North Harrow Lodge no. 6557 (Middlesex) and Gradation Lodge no. 6368 (MetGL) will travel on Eurostar to Paris and subsequently to Versailles, just outside Paris, for a meeting scheduled on the 26th May at Tara Lodge 1541 GLNF for a Twinning ceremony of Gradation 6368 UGLE and Tara 1541 GLNF.
Gradation Lodge 6368 has had a long relationship with masons in France and about 3 are members of the Lodge, so it was only right that following the re-establishment of connections with GLNF that a Twinning of the two lodges take place.
I had the pleasure of meeting with W.Bro Guy Bruandet of Tara Lodge and a Grand Inspector of GLNF over lunch only a few weeks ago during a visit to Paris, after which this subsequent visit has been arranged.
It is hoped that the connection between the French Lodge and Gradation 6368 UGLE will enable the Lodge to maybe source French members living and working in London to join them.
Any French Mason wishing to join Gradation Lodge is invited to contact the Gradation Lodge Secretary for further details