Showing the Way Forward

As a follow up on my last post. I felt honoured to have been asked by UGLE to present one of four case studies into how North Harrow Lodge has been successful  in recruiting an unprecedented number of  new members through it’s Website and Social Media presence.
It must have been an early start for most of the delegates who attended the 5th Annual Mentoring Conference at Freemasons’ Hall on Wednesday 6th March as they came from all parts of the country for the 11am start. I found myself travelling into Central London on the tube at about 8.30 in the morning, something I have not experienced before, that is at “rush hour”. Standing room only !! more like a cattle truck. Every other person was either on a mobile phone or an electronic device. (This is the way forward to attract potential member ! He Thinks)

So… On entering the portals of Freemasons’Hall, I was greeted by a most pleasant attendant who directed me to Lodge Room no.1 which was to be the main reception room for the day and from where I was to deliver my 5 presentations.
The Laptop, screen, projector and handouts had all been prepared for me in advance by Louise who is the  PA to Nigel Brown, Grand Secretary and what a most efficient young lady, even my PowerPoint presentation had already been loaded on the machine.

Nigel Brown welcoming the delegates
Courtesy of UGLE

By 10.30 the room was awash with delegates getting to know each other over a cup of tea or coffee and eager to hear the case studies.
At exactly 11am, Nigel Brown gave his welcome speech and afterwards introduced  Jessica Bondy who spoke about the way forward to celebrate  the Tercentennial of UGLE in 2017.

My closing slide.

Then the delegates split into 5 groups of about 15 and were led off in different directions to hear case studies from The Connaught Club , De La Pole Lodge,  Wenceslas Lodge and North Harrow Lodge  each were to take 25 minutes to include any questions and allow a further  5 minutes for the delegates to rotate on to the next presentation.

A welcomed lunch break

So, I gave my presentation 5 times throughout the day. It was very well received by all those present who were able to ask as many questions as they wished subject to time permitting.
A PDF of my PowerPoint is available  from our website Click here to view

James Bartlett closing the conference
Courtesy of UGLE

At the end of the day James Bartlett thanked all those present for attending and hoped they were able to take back to their respective Provinces and Districts a few ideas on recruitment and retention before before closing  the proceedings for another year.
Some Photographs courtesy of  UGLE

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