Pushing the boundaries

Proof that some things weren’t checked!!

As our first regular meeting of the new 2012/13 season is rapidly approaching on Friday the 12th October, it falls  upon yours truly as Lodge Secretary to try and get things right before the meeting and then pass on the reigns to our Director of Ceremonies to make sure the meeting runs like clockwork.

Only after the summons were sent out did I realise that this year time permitted us, for the first time since the Lodge was formed back in the dark days of 1948, to do something extraordinary,
that of performing an Initiation before the installation (proclamation) of the Master, which is not normally done.

But in North Harrow we like to push the boundaries of Freemasonry. Why not?? Because we can ! And there is nothing in the rules to say we can’t.!!

Firstly, out of the numerous eligible candidates we have waiting to join us, who would be available at such short notice to step forward and be initiated into North Harrow.
It was not long before Leonardo replied to my request and accepted my offer.

Secondly, I altered the summons to add the initiation to the agenda and resent it to all our members, who luckily are all on email.

Thirdly, who is going to do the work? Our W.M, Terry Clayfield has agreed to do the ceremony of initiation, and another four brethren have offered to do separate pieces.
I do like it when a plan comes together, however, this would not be possible without the help and support of the great and willing brethren of the North Harrow Lodge, especially when almost a third of our membership haven’t seen an installation.

That shows how we have moved forward in the last year !!

After the initiation I have the pleasure in presenting Grand Lodge Certificates to two brethren who completed their respective 3rd Degrees over the summer recess ( many thanks must go to Syon and Wealdstone Lodges who carried out the ceremonies in an excellent manner on our behalf). This will be the first time certificates have been presented in North Harrow since 2009.

W.Bro Terry Clayfield (centre) with
some of our new officers

And lastly, on with the installation, and investiture of the Officers for the forthcoming year.
This year we are able to fill every office in the Lodge and every junior office is taken by lay brethren including 5 stewards..

Another busy, informative and  most enjoyable meeting is forecast !! Why not come along and see how we do it, just give me a call . Contact me through the Lodge Website to book in by Tuesday 9th October

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