50 years How we’ve Changed

North Harrow Lodge
Ladies’ Night 1971

A pictorial view of almost Fifty Years of North Harrow Lodge’s Ladies Festivals….Gone in a Blink of an eye… especially when you’re enjoying yourselves.

Greetings From H.M Queen 1971

North Harrow Lodge
Ladies’ Night 1991
North Harrow Lodge
Ladies’ Night 1971
North Harrow Lodge
Ladies’ Night 2001
North Harrow Lodge
Ladies’ Night 2009

Bro ProGReg (Yorks & E.Riding)
& his squeeze 2009
North Harrow Lodge
Ladies’ Night 2009
Bro JW  2011
Bro DC & squeeze 2012
Bro Secretary &
She who must be obeyed 2011
W.M & Family 2012
Bro Sec 2012

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