No Growing Pains Here

Are statistics important ? Well, if anything they could throw up very interesting information. Recently my SW, Bro.Vaughan, did an extensive study of our membership levels over the last 5 years and the results were quite revealing.

Some of our New Brethren

The data was retrieved from our recent Grand Lodge Membership returns and shows that in the 5 years from 2007 to 2012 our active membership has increased by 70% from 17 to today’s figure of 29 and the average age has dropped by 10% from 58 to 53 . Quite impressive you may well say!!

However, statistics aren’t everything, retaining the membership level is though!!! We have found that our new Freemasons are eager to help in any way they can.
We now have an experienced Senior Steward in charge, who oversees our faithful band of new stewards and at each meeting gives them a task of setting the dining table names and/or serving wine during the festive board ( A great way for them to get to know us).
Recently, I was so surprised to get an email from one of our initiates who asked if he could be the personal steward at the FB for the APGM on his impending visit  . (Nice thought).But I had to inform him that it doesn’t work that way.
Another,eager newly made MM asked if he could do something at the next meeting. Yes,! I replied, so at our next meeting on the 18th January he is presenting the charge in the NE Corner and a fellowcraft will be presenting the 1st degree working tools. That’s at our 1st ever  BURNS’ Night Festive Board and we already have 50 booked in… So, No pressure then !!!
How nice it is to have enthusiastic new members !! but most importantly, how nice to have enough work to hand out to keep the enthusiasm alive !! We can do that at North Harrow……..

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