Dark Blues Galore

It had been a while since I had attended the Middlesex Provincial Grand Officers (PGO) Club meeting, so on Thursday 1st November, I made the effort and went along with our Worshipful Master, Terry Clayfield.. I was amazed at the turnout, some 170 members packed the venue at the BA Concorde Club near Heathrow and what a most enjoyable evening it was!! Full of banter and chatter!!

A great meal of roast beef and yorkshire pudding was on the menu after which the evening was highlighted by an address by our ProProvincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro.Roger Croome which was most informative and entertaining. If you would like to read the transcript of what he said :  ProPGM’s Address

W.Bro Simpson at an earlier event

Next came a talk entitled “Freemasons in Captivity” about Masonry in the POW Camps during the last war. This was delivered by W.Bro Ian Simpson, who had travelled from the outer reaches and badlands of Essex, the stories and enactments , I also found amazing.
It was a great opportunity to catch up with old and new friends and cant wait until the next one.
I’ve already put the date in my diary!

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