Another One bites the Dust

Over the last year we have supported many Lodges with ceremonies and introduced candidates obtained through our website to a number of them.
However, inevitably there are some Lodges that have decided to hand back their warrant and subsequently close.

One of these is Haste Hill Lodge no.7592. We have been fortunate to get to know them over the last few months as they have performed a couple of our second degree ceremonies.
Last night was their penultimate meeting and they performed an excellent ceremony on our behalf to the highest standard. It’s a shame that a Lodge that has such passion is dogged by reduced numbers, ill health and an ageing membership that has succumb to closure.
It was a very sad occasion to hear the secretary read the Notice of Motion to close the Lodge at their May meeting and to return the Lodge Warrant to the PGM after 50 years. They also have to sell off their Lodge furniture in order to pay off outstanding Lodge debts, a very sad state if affairs. If you are interested in obtaining any spare regalia, Contact the Haste Hill  Lodge Secretary for further details.
However, on a lighter note, I had the pleasure of acting as SD at the last minute for our candidate for his Passing and other members of our Lodge acted as JD and IPM respectively at last night’s meeting and there were a total of 13 at the FB, we all enjoyed ourselves immensely and our candidate had the pleasure of experiencing an extremely high level of ritual.
North Harrow have been fortunate to have recruited a large number of candidates over the last 3 years with the use of online media, without which, we would have succumbed to the same fate as Haste Hill.
Lodges have to move with the times and Social a media and an online presence is essential in today’s world.
Lets hope more grasp the nettle and make a leap into the future!!! It’s the way to go!!!

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