A Royal Occasion

On the evening of Thursday 12th June, nine members including partners and guests had the pleasure of attending Beating Retreat  (video) this year, an event we have supported for many years .This year the salute was taken by HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. Contingencies 20140618-223825-81505750.jpgfrom the Mounted Band of the Blues & Royals, Coldstream Guards and French Foreign Legion performed which culminated in a magnificent display of fireworks punctuated by cannon fire from The Queen’s Troop of the Royal Horse Artillery Beating Retreat has its origins in the early years of organised warfare when the beating of drums and the parading of Post Guards heralded the closing of camp gates and the lowering of flags at the end of the day.Lodge Members and Guests

An order from the army of James II of England, dated to 18 June 1690, had his drums beating an order for his troops to retreat and a later order, from William III in 1694, read:Coldstream Guards

“The Drum Major and Drummers of the Regiment which gives a Captain of the Main Guard are to beat the Retreat through the large street, or as may be ordered. They are to be answered by all the Drummers of the guards, and by four Drummers of each Regiment in their respective Quarters”.The French Legion

Beating Retreat still continues today and takes place on Horse Guards Parade each year for two successive evenings in June. The ceremony has evolved into a colourful pageant of military music and precision drill carried out by the the Mounted Bands of the Household Cavalry and the Massed Bands of the Household Division.20140618-223825-81505382.jpg

The salute is taken by a member of the Royal Family.