Twitter Gathering in Poole

I made a passing comment on Twitter a few months ago concerning the North Harrow Lodge sailing week-end, where we were expecting to moor in Poole marina on the 4th July and that if any Twitterati brethren are available, they would be more than welcome to join us for a pie OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAand a pint on the back of the boat. Some days later Brian Chidgey, Dorset ProvGReg  contacted me and said that the response from Local and other South Coast Freemasons had been immense and that in the light of this he had booked Amity Lodge in Poole and the caterers to put on a meal . It was then perfectly clear that the boat was not big enough.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA We arrived in Poole on the afternoon of the 4th and were welcomed by WBro Alex McCombie and a few other Dorset Masons with a couple of bottles of Champagne. What a lovely thought !!!! Well the clock struck 6pm and I was amazed to see over 60 Twitter brethren from 9 Masonic Provinces turn up for the first and largest gathering of freemasons ever assembled as a direct  result of Twitter, I was then charged with giving a PowerPoint Presentation on the merits of Social Media and Twitter, along with another of our crew, Bro Colin Luther-Davies who OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAfollowed with a presentation about the activities of the Connaught Club. This was followed by a superb meal 4 course in the dining room and great chance to have an informal chat with the brethren who had travelled to be with us. We were also honoured with the presence the RW Bro Richard Merritt, ProvGM who is known as a promoter of Social Media, gave a short speech after the meal, he was accompanied by VW Bro Clive Deakin, DepProvGM, VWBro Nigel Leonard, APGM and several members of the Provincial team.

This perfectly shows the potential power of Social Media as a communication tool. My grateful thanks IMG_0909must go to WBro Brian Chidgey ProvGReg and his team for organising such a fantastic evening and finally to WBro Paul Hughes , Somerset Provincial Social Media Officer, for the Twitter Pin initiative and for raising another £130 on the evening selling the Twitter Pins, all of which will be added to the present total of approx. £2,500 and eventually donated to The Grand Charity and the RMTGB. Pins are available on eBay