The Fruits of One’s Labours

If you would have asked me a year ago “How’s the Lodge Doing?” my reply would have probably been “OK thanks”. That was before the telephone started ringing and the emails started arriving.Then before I knew it we had enquiries from another eighteen candidates wanting to join Freemasonry.
Now its Wow !! how are we going to manage this lot !!!

After a little thought. The answer was (almost) simple… if we can’t take them in the near future…Let’s .introduce them to other Lodges that are in need of candidates. Then, produce a spreadsheet  to monitor their development and to make sure they are mentored into what is expected of them.

Now!!! a few months down the line ….Wealdstone Lodge is the first to initiate one of these candidates at their meeting tomorrow, at which a few of North Harrow Lodge members will attend to support him, as part of our initiative, at the start of his masonic career. This is followed by Harrow Progress Lodge on the 28th November, Elizabethan Lodge on the 14th December, Gauntlet Lodge on the 20th December, Wembley Lodge and Middx St. Davids Lodge in January.
Let’s hope that these candidates will breath a little life into their respective Lodges to the benefit of the Province of Middlesex in general and their Lodge in particular.
Over the last twelve months, we are also grateful to the other 10 Lodges for agreeing to carry out Ceremonies for our new North Harrow Lodge members to enable them to progress through their various degrees more quickly.

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