North Harrow goes forth

If someone said three years ago it would be the norm to have between 45 and 50 attending2015-01-20 18.45.53 our lodge meetings, I would have said they were living in cloud cuckoo land.

However, it seems as though this is now true….. From normal meetings in 2012 with attendance of 16 to 22 to a staggering (for us that is) 42-48 on a regular basis.  This has been achieved primarily by successful recruitment through our Website (View the progression sheet here) (heehee) but secondly by the hard work, commitment and enthusiasm of our members, who have worked tirelessly to involve and enthuse our new recruits.2015-01-20 16.49.33

At our last meeting on Friday 16th January, 47 attended the meeting including 20 visitors, we conducted a 3rd Degree Ceremony to a credible standard…. All work except for two short pieces were performed by the light blues who occupy all offices from our IPM down to the 10 stewards and most importantly the father of the candidate had the pleasure of witnessing the second of his two sons raised to the degree of a Master Mason.2015-01-18 11.09.55

The Festive board was a hoot. Our SW proposed the toast to the visitors to include a read through of the “East End” gangster workings of opening of the lodge, which brought tear2015-01-16 19.10.50-1s to our eyes and was aptly responded to by one of our regular visitors from the badlands of Essex to the acclaim of all present.

The raffle ( offering prizes, the quality of which are unsurpassed) and Charity box raised just under £400, another record. 

2015-01-16 21.35.41-1I am sure that those who attended the last meeting will be queuing up to witness a Second Degree Ceremony at our next on Friday 13th March, unlucky for some, but I trust not for us as we are also balloting for another TWO candidates, who will be

initiated in a double ceremony at our 8th May meeting.

Dont forget to book in early as our mentors are busy assigning Ten lay brethren to perform ritual at the meeting.

Onward and Upward ………..