Making Visiting Work

Over the last few months we have been fortunate to have had a number of Middlesex Lodges perform ceremonies on our behalf and it’s always great to get positive feed back.

Our candidate and his father

So, on one of my recent tours of Masonic websites, I came across this entry on the website of Middlesex St.Andrews Lodge No.8897. A Lodge with great traditions and ritual, who recently performed a Raising ceremony for one of our members.
The text was as follows:
“Many thanks go to North Harrow Lodge No. 6557 for giving a purpose to our meeting on 22nd March 2013. Bro. James Flood was raised by Middlesex St. Andrews and proved to be an exceptional candidate. Our March meeting was looking pretty grim a couple of months ago but with the assistance and co-operation of North Harrow Lodge, this meeting proved to be a pleasant change. One sour note (from our point of view) was the Festive Board, where the North Harrow visitors managed to walk off with all of the raffle prizes, which included some exceptional bottles of whisky!”

Their Secretary
Their W.M 

The hospitality shown to the six North Harrow visitors by Middlesex St.Andrews was exceptional, even though we did win three bottles of malt whisky and a bottle of wine ! Oopps !! Thank you from all at North Harrow !!!

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