Could this be the last of the Twitter Pins ?
It is almost Two years ago that I embarked on the venture of raising funds for
The Royal Masonic Trust for Girls & Boys and on Twitter with what has now become one of the most sought after and iconic “must have” Masonic accessory, namely The Masonic Twitter Pin.
With over a thousand being sold to date, raising approximately £3,000 for the RMTGB and the Middlesex Provincial 2020
Festival , where the total raised in the first year has already exceeded £1Million .
But, alas, all things must come to an end and the last of these little beauties has been found lurking in one of the pockets of my Masonic jacket, so I thought it only right that I give everyone a fair chance of obtaining one by placing for auction on eBay , As always, With ALL proceeds going to the Charity.
Don’t miss out !! It’s your last chance