Freemasonry at its Best

Its not very often that I receive unsolicited reviews following our meetings

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But, Freemasonry continues to surprise me and last week’s meeting on the 11th March was no exception. With 46 members and guests in attendance including a representative from UGLE, (hoping to see a masterclass) our PProPGM  (just coming to meet the boys) and other 2 Grand Officers ( coming because they like us) , the pressure was on. But was surprised to receive ….

“What can I say, it was an absolute delight to be with you on Friday evening for a ‘feast’ of Freemasonry – it epitomised to me all that is great about our wonderful organisation, and indemnifies what I very much suspected would be the case in North Harrow. Will you please pass on my sincere thanks to the WM and brethren for the warmth of their hospitality and welcome in both the temple and at the festive board, They and you should also be congratulated on two first class ceremonies”.img_2093

“I have been sifting words of praise through my concise list of symbols to express my thanks for attending North Harrow last Friday. It was a delightful masonic evening that is etched in my list of visits.  All are to be congratulated for attending to their special part that gelled into a sparkling crystal.”

“Just a quick but very sincere note to say thank you so much for inviting me to join you at North Harrow Lodge yesterday. img_2102 Having been aware of the changes you were making over the last few years towards the revival and ultimate success of the Lodge it really was a wonderful demonstration.  It showed just what can be achieved with an understanding of how the application of modern technology can draw younger people into the organisation. You should have been justly proud of yesterday’s meeting.  To get so many members from such a variety of backgrounds taking part so enthusiastically and competently was a joy to watch”. 

From an active membership of 18 in 2010 to a membership of 40 today, we’ve come a long way, all down to good strategy and forward thinking. This has now culminated in all our offices being held by light blues with the support of 10 stewards in the wings and with good mentoring were ready to shine.

This became evident at our last meeting where we were to perform a Second degree followed by an initiation.IMG_1400 Our Worshipful Master performed the Second Degree ceremony faultlessly with his usual aire of confidence with our Senior Deacon conducting the candidate exceptionally well with the assistance of another steward standing in as acting JD for that part of the ceremony, our chaplain’s delivery of the long 2nd degree working tools was a joy to behold.

It was then my turn to take the chair in order to perform the ceremony of initiation for a candidate that contacted me 4 years ago at the age of 17 and had now just turned 21. The two stewards acting as deacons swapped roles seamlessly without anyone noticing.

Bro JW needed a drink

Silence ensued, There was the dreaded knock on the door. Alas,  It was the Tyler advised us that the candidate was yet to turn up due to traffic conditions. Plan “B” swung into action. We decided to ‘call off’ for a short while and on asking the principal officers to be upstanding, I quickly realised that the young Wardens had never called off before (or even practiced it) and the reply to my inquiry of the Bro JW “What time is it”? was classic but sincere. He immediately glanced at the clock and replied ” 5.45, WM”. That reply relaxed everyone in attendance.The acting JD and recently appointed Steward who lives in Serbia, flew in for the meeting and only agreed to take on the role 3 weeks previously  when our serving JD was unable to attend. 

Steward / JD going home

His performance was stunning, ( all down to excellent guidance over Face Time by our Mentor) as was the charge after initiation delivered by our Bro. JW in such an outstanding and theatrical manner.  Culminating in our visiting Officer presenting the initiate with a copy of the Ancient Charge . A joy to be present. After which

 Bro. Secretary had the pleasure in reading the details out of another TWO registration forms. The festive board that followed was also a delight and a fitting end to a great day. That meeting, in my opinion, was the best I’ve experienced in over 30 years and long may I continue to be amazed. We now are looking forward to our next meeting where we are performing a 3rd Degree in the presence of our newly appointed APGM on an official visit. Ahh ! we thrive on pressure.