A Winter’s Masonic Tale

Bro Secretary & Bro Bhatia
with his GL Certificate

No one would have ever thought that the adverse weather conditions on Friday 18th January would have had so much of an impact on a lodge meeting.

Our 2 New initiates

However, four months ago we decided to organise our first Burns Night Lodge meeting.
The piper was booked, the address to the haggis was arranged and a full festive board program organised, Oh how happy I was, it was to be the largest Lodge meeting North Harrow had held in many years, with over 60 booked in, all of which was decimated by 4″- 9″ of snow falling in a few hours on the morning of the meeting.

This was followed by numerous telephone calls from the 30+ guests apologising for not being unable to attend due to the snow conditions. I had to make the decision as to whether to cancel the meeting or go ahead with a limited turnout. I was relieved and amazed that both candidates for initiation and 20 of our members and 6 guests managed to brave the atrocious conditions and we were able to perform the double ceremony and present 3 of the 4 Grand Lodge Certificates in a superb manner to the extent that one of the Grand Officers present asked for his appreciation be recorded in the lodge minutes after which I had the pleasure of reading out another 5 Registration Forms “P”s, 2 for Joining and 3 for Initiation.. Thats what I call a successful Meeting.
The next challenge was the Burns’ Night  festive board which was a hoot!! 

Our W.Master Terry Clayfield
A superb Address to the
Haggis by Bro Vaughan
Bro Feliciano & Bro Shah

No  piper! No address to the haggis by a traditional Scotsman in a kilt, but as the show must go on !! Our SW, Vaughan Coleridge-Matthews gave a credible and hilarious alternative Address to the Haggis and supplied Tam-o-shantas to all the top table. We have never laughed so much. So from a potential disaster, we had one of the most enjoyable meeting we have ever had.

Bro Vaughan presenting
the Review of Veet for Men
W.Bro David
“Veet “Winner

Lastly, the Raffle was an amazing success with almost 10 prizes the last being a tube of “Veet for Men” which was won by W.Bro David Russell, however, before he was presented with it Bro.Vaughan  read this Review for “VEET FOR MEN”

In the face of adversity, North Harrow came through with flying colours !! My grateful thanks go to all that attended and made it a fun evening, that could have quite easily been a disaster.
North Harrow Lodge wins again !! We do have fun !!

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