Would you like to Join the fastest-growing Lodge in Middlesex

We pride ourselves on being probably the most proactive, innovative, and fastest-growing Lodge in Middlesex, with a diverse membership of 39 of which approximately a third are aged under 45 years old.

So if you are interested in joining freemasonry, or finding out more about North Harrow Lodge in particular, browse our website to find out what we get up to, including Our Mission Statement , where we meet and how much it costs and the Timeframes involved in dealing with your application which is covered in our Membership Charter

We welcome people from all different walks of life and are always happy to have an informal meeting to discuss what we do and the next steps you may wish to take.

Contact us an e-mail or follow us on X formally Twitter and say hello. 

North Harrow was well represented with One 1st Appointment to Provincial Grand Rank and 2 Active Re-appointments
A most enjoyable Festive Board at the Grand Connaught Rooms

Our next meeting is on Friday 17 January 2025

We will be performing an Initiation Ceremony

Tyling at 5.00pm with dining at 7.30pm @£30 for visitors and guests.

We would welcome guests to join us, just email the Secretary for details: Secretary@NorthHarrowLodge.org

Get in touch

Please make contact the secretary via the link below if you are a freemason and would wish to visit us at our next meeting, or any other occasion.

To book in e-mail secretary@northharrowlodge.org